Monday, August 19, 2013

Super Easy Boxwood Wreath

Alternate title: How I Got Poison Ivy at Craft Night

Last Wednesday night was craft night.  We made boxwood wreaths. They are super easy to make.  Like we all finished our wreaths before leaving for the night easy.  (That says a lot.) 

DIY Boxwood Wreath

Most of us in our craft night group had previously been eyeing boxwood wreaths but their high price tags kept us away.  Kim did a little Pinteresting (a verb) and found a tutorial from Liz Marie Blog for us to base our project off of.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Grapevine wreath
    • I had one hoarded in the basement.  You can get them at Hobby Lobby (bring a coupon!)  You can often find them at Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc.
  • A poor, unsuspecting boxwood bush
    • I have a few growing in front of our house but they weren’t quite ready for mutilation yet.  Luckily Nici had a few that wanted murdered, I mean trimmed.
  • Optional: burlap ribbon for a bow

Start by butchering the boxwood.  We mainly cut long pieces.  We ended up trimming some down as we went along. 

Shove the cut pieces into the grapevine wreath until it looks pretty.  This should take approximately 5 minutes. 

DIY Boxwood Wreath

Fluff/prune for the next 15 minutes to make yourself feel like this project was actually a challenge.

DIY Boxwood Wreath

Make Kim tie a burlap bow for you beings she embarrassed you by wearing the same shirt.

DIY Boxwood Wreath

Hang it up the next day!

DIY Boxwood Wreath

And then itch your feet off.  I somehow managed to get into poison ivy.  This summer is the first time I have gotten it.  Not cool.  Beware.  Craft night is dangerous.

Check out previous wreaths from the Decor and the Dog vault: Quirky Owl Wreath, Candy Corn Wreath, Whispy Ornament Wreath, Yarn Wreath

Have you had your eye on boxwood wreaths?  Any great ideas for our next craft night? Preferably something inside. ;)


  1. how long does it stay? I fear the Texas heat would have it dried out in a day or two. However, it's really pretty and I might just try it anyway!

    1. We've read in a few places that they stay green for a long time. There were suggestions to mist them with water to keep them longer. We were all okay with the risk beings it is such an inexpensive project!

    2. Great idea! Thanks for the inspiration! Hope the bout of poison ivy is short lived!

  2. Your wreath looks perfect on that door - did the yarn wreath get banished to storage?

    Also, I'm sorry that I laughed out loud when I read you got poison ivy. I was thinking, "I didn't get any." And then I realized that I made you gals do all the cutting. Sorry, bud. Way to take one for the team.

  3. Nice wreath :) I keep meaning to make some kind of wreath, but it keeps escaping me. Let it be known that I am officially jealous of your craft night. I need to make IRL friends that will craft with me. Sorry about the poison ivy. Sounds like a real doozy.

  4. Actually I want some boxwoods for my dining room table. Maybe I should murder some extra for a wreath while I'm at it! Very cute!

  5. That turned out great. I always think of boxwood as something for Christmas but I love how it looks with the burlap

  6. hmmmm now i am jealous because i do not have any boxwoods to trim or neighbors who have them that i can borrow....

  7. hello hello boxwood, you're green and cool as a wreath....

    that was o be sung to the tune of telephone by lady gaga, fyi.

  8. Awesome project but more importantly, I think it's adorable that you and Kim matched.

  9. So pretty! Sorry about the poison ivy. Itching is quite possibly the worse feeling ever. I've never gotten poison ivy either...knock on wood. Or boxwood. (See what I did there?)

    Comment ending now.

  10. Great idea! Any tips on preserving them? I have a tendency to kill things faster than I can blink. Sorry about the poison ivy, I've never had it, so I don't know how miserable it can make you. On a good note, you and Kim sure looked stylish in your cute sweaters.

  11. Those are beautiful! The wreaths and you ladies ;). What happens as the branches die?

  12. I love boxwood so I might have to make one too!

  13. I love it! My sister pays a ton of money to put one of those on her door. I'm gonna make me one and pretend that I bought it.

  14. Those are beautiful! I had no idea they were so simple. I just don't know if you're allowed to make them without the coordinating "hello" shirt?

  15. I just love those! (I'm sorry about the poison ivy)How long does the boxwood stay that green? Just fabulous ladies!

  16. Such a beautiful wreath! Love how simple it is!


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