Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Glorious Day

Guess what today is? 

Besides Tuesday.

It’s the end of tax season!!!!  Woo to the hoo!!

Nate will return to being a functional member of our household.  We can have supper together.  We can take walks together. We can catch up on our super full DVR.  You know, be a married couple. 

The end of tax season also means some changes for our house and blog.  Unfortunately, we’re not quite on the same page on this front….yet.


Happy end of tax season!!!!  Any big plans for those returns?  Or did your accountant let you down and you have to pay in?  (Don’t worry.  Mine did.  I’m on the look out for a new one….)


  1. ha ha! that is too funny!!! we were lucky with uncle sam this year, but after moving we were dirt poor, too.... so no plans for the money except back into savings. :( and a new rug since charlie peed on the old one and then we had to get a riding lawnmower. that was our fun.

  2. Aaron is a small business owner so we ALWAYS pay in. We consider it a refund if we don't have to pay in as much as we were planning! :-) YEAH for Nate being back to being a husband! Have fun watching TV...and then we can't wait to see that backsplash!

  3. We were not so lucky (we had to pay in) but thankfully that's all over and we don't have to worry about it until next year! Yay!

  4. HALLELUJAH! I'm sure you're glad to have your hubby back to do married couple things. And his ideas are good... but I like yours better. *evil grin*

    We had to pay, too. Somehow we neglected to realize that we rented most of the year and wouldn't have a house to deduct. D'oh!

  5. Wooooohooooooo!!!!!! Welcome back to the real world, Nate.

    We pay in every year. Kind of a bummer, but this year was the smallest pay-in yet, so that was a nice break. And like Kristen said, now it's over! (until next year)

  6. That picture seriously made my morning, haha. So great.

  7. Hilarious! This happens with my boyfriend and I all the time. When I'm feeling super DIY ambitious are the days where he just wants to watch a movie. Gah!

  8. I am so glad your hubby has finally been freed! Now go eat some popcorn and clean off the DVR!

  9. Welcome back to the land-of-the-living Nate!
    We got an itty bitty refund this year. I hear that's ideal. I don't know. But definitely beats paying in so I can't complain. (even though I kinda am...)

    I've totally stalled out on house projects too. sigh.

  10. I used to work as an administrative assistant at a CPA firm before I became a stay-at-home mom. All I wanted to do was sleep after tax season was finished, so I know how Nate feels. All that overtime......yuk! All the accountants would take the day after tax day off, and I would have the office to myself (yes, it was an easy day, but I feel I earned it).

    My husband is a small business owner, so we had to pay in this year - boo!

    Can't wait to see your projects after Nate gets his rest.

  11. YAY! I'm sure it's nice to have him back :-)

    Our returns went into the bank :-( we're saving it for either replacing the roof or the air conditioner, whichever goes first. Not fun.

  12. Happy re-marriage day to you! I love that dress, btw.

  13. Ha..ha..too funny! You can let him sleep in for a few weeks, you know, to re-charge, but after that it's working time for the new projects. Enjoy having your husband back.

  14. Yay for the end of tax season and the return of your husband!

    My accountant rocked this year. I got my first return in more than 5 years. I'm planning to blow it on projects around the house - if I could just figure out a way to stay in town long enough to get them done.

  15. Time for new projects!!! We got a return and I think I'm going to stain the fence. If only I could get a little more time too. This whole baby thing takes up a lot of it!

  16. So glad your hubby is free! Can't wait to see all of your new projects!! ;)

  17. Absolutely hilarious! Can't wait to see how things go on that front - maybe give Nate a few weeks to sleep and watch TV, then hit him up for some DIY fun!

    And how did you ever get him to take that picture? What a good sport. He should teach my better half how to do that!

    And super cute dress!

  18. haha yay! Maybe lock the tv to HGTV so he gets the hint. (Can you even do that?)

    I was discussing blog things with my mom the other day (she reads posts and comments) and she was asking me about the "familiar faces" from my comments, one of them being "Decorate the Dog." bahahaha. (That's you, by the way.) ;)

  19. Hahahaha! Your captions are hilarious, glad you get to have your hubby back.

  20. YAY!!!!! so glad nate is done with all the craziness.. i vote for the kitchen backsplash first!

  21. WOOOHOOO! I bet you & Ike are both thrilled!! We only got about 300 bucks back this year. Atleast we didnt have to pay in!

  22. We're probably just banking ours and putting some into our dining room project.

  23. You shoulda photoshopped Ike in there with his ideas... He's probably looking to get his share of Nate-time, too.
    Good luck on getting your projects done!

  24. Hmmm...tax returns will most likely be spent on expensive high heels and champagne...oh wait I'm pregnant. Yeah, I guess it will go towards the nursery necessities. Necessities meaning the crazy chandelier I NEED if it's a girl or the Restoration Hardware crib I NEED if it's a boy ;)

  25. I love the thought bubbles. We're never on the same page with our other halves, are we?


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