Monday, August 26, 2013

Pfister Park Avenue Faucet

Don’t you hate when bloggers do teaser posts about the big projects they are working on?  Yeah.  Me, too.

Oh, hey!  Look at our pretty new faucets in our almost finished bathroom that I can’t show until a week or two.

Pfister Park Avenue

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.  Right?

We are so stinking close on the world’s longest bathroom project.  Just a little touch up paint and some styling and we’re good to go.

In the mean time, let’s discuss our new faucets.  The ever generous folks over at Pfister sent us these Park Avenue Faucets.  We feel all fancy now when we wash our hands.  As I was washing my face last night I told Nate that this must be how the other half lives.  The only way they could be better is if they turned on themselves or gave Ike a bath.

The faucet was easy to install. We previously had some inexpensive faucets.  Nate tells me that the install on these guys was much easier.  No swear words.  No threats of divorce.  Beautiful.

The faucet is a single control.  The flow is great.  And it’s drool worth.  All very important in Michelle-land.

Pfister Park Ave Fauce

We chose the polished nickel.  I am madly in love with the polished nickel.  I just wouldn’t recommend others following in my difficult footsteps.  There aren’t many options for the polished nickel finish in mirrors, faucets or hardware.  I love the options that we found for all but it was a challenge.  Also, we just installed these babies but I can already tell that keeping the polished nickel clean may send me over the edge.  (Not a far push.)

Thanks to Pfister for sending us these beauties.  They have gone to a happy home!

Have you ever fallen hard for a faucet?  What big DIY projects did you work on this weekend?

I wasn’t compensated for this post.  Pfister supplied us these beautiful faucets.  I wasn’t required to review them.  We just love them so we thought we would!


  1. Michelle, we can't wait to see the finished look! Sorry the faucets can't help with dog detail, but if you swing by our offices, we might be able to help with Ike :D

  2. Nice faucet!! If I had OCD, I would totally wash my hands there all day.

  3. Nice! I prefer our polished faucets to our matte nickel--to me, it's way easier to clean the polished, even if you have to do it more often. Fingerprints somehow end up tattooed on our matte nickel and no cleaning product seems to last long fixing it.

  4. Use your purple Norwex cloth on the faucets. Miracle worker. You can thank me later.

    1. I used that. It's just keeping your brother's grimy hands away from them.

  5. Those are beautiful! I'm incredibly jealous because our apartment has the shortest faucets in the bathroom and kitchen. If we were to be here for the long haul, I would totally replace them.

  6. They're gorgeous! And I can't wait to see your big reveal!

    We just installed a new faucet in our kitchen after learning (the hard way) that quality really matters in faucets!

  7. Those are some juicy faucets! I love them! I'm really excited to see your bathroom reveal. But I'll happily wait 6 more months for it if I have to.

  8. lookin good!! excited to see the entire new look.

  9. Look at you all fancy! Those faucets are gorgeous!


    These are quite pretty. How is this different than a brushed nickle? Just curious about the difference.

  11. Oooo fancy! Can't wait to see the finished bath!

  12. It looks so good and fancy. Can't wait to see the rest!

  13. Ooh! So swanky and shiny! I can totally relate to brothers grimy hands. Can't wait to see the finished bath!

  14. This looks so amazing & very relaxed glam! Love it!


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