Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Shiny Bathroom Post

Remember our bathroom that we started tiling 17 years ago?  Yeah.  We’ve made no progress.  Go team. 

We are, however, sick of sharing a vanity.  #firstworldcoupleproblems

We hope to hop back on the tiling train this weekend.  Hope being the key word.

We have started to finalize some other plans and today I am going to share with you.  Because that’s what I do.  Overshare.

Our plans include shiny objects.  My favorite. 

I dare you to turn this post into a drinking game.  Drink on “shiny”.  Go.

It all started with this beautiful light.  It is the Pullman Bath Light from Shades of Light.  So shiny.  Shiny. Shiny. Shiny.  (I hope you’re playing the game with coffee.)


The polished nickel finish is shiny but also limited some of my other options.  Oh well.  Shiny for the win.

Shiny lights led to shiny faucets.  Like the Park Avenue Faucet from Pfister Faucets.  I didn’t know a faucet could be so beautiful.  And shiny.  I can’t wait to pet it.

park avenue

And last but not least.  Shiny mirrors.  We decided on the Gatco 4589S Laurel Avenue Rectangle Wall Mirrors.  The mirrors were a tough decision.  We had originally thought framed mirrors but we later decided that we want to let the tile shine (different from shiny).


Our final decision is shiny hardware for the cabinets.  That, dear readers, is still a work in progress.

Are you a shiny object fan?  Who wants to help us finish tiling?


  1. oooh i like shiny! i'm like a raccoon though. i will find your shiny and then hide it in my home.

  2. I am playing it with coffee, but I will "favorite" this post and try again Friday night with something more substantial. Thanks for making this fun Michelle! YOU ROCK! luv the light btw

  3. Love all the details. I need a shiny and new bathroom one of these days... xo Kristin

  4. You seriously just crack me up. I love your realness. SHINY FOR THE WIN!

  5. Just did our master bath too. Bring on the shine! (Now have a ridiculous smile on my face every time I shower as I look at the shiny mirror and lights..ahh!)

  6. Um, I'm totally in love with that faucet. Don't get fingerprints on it, because then it will not be as shiny.

    Thanks for getting my coffee drinking off to a good start this morning.

  7. Your posts funny. We moved last yr.& want to put in new bathroom vanities and fixtures but I can't find a vanity that I like. any suggestions on where to get one? I've only tried Lowes and Home Depot and Ikea and a local store.

  8. Thank you, I'm an now well caffinated! I'm loving the shiny light fixture as well as the faucet. I just got my new shiny kitchen faucet this past weekend ... can't wait to start installing it!

  9. I reeeeeally like that light fixture. A lot. It's going to look so pretty. And oh so shiny.

  10. I love everything about this (I'm not so secretly hoping that shiny is the next chevron).

  11. That is one pretty light fixture! I had such a hard time finding anything nice for bathrooms. They are all just so vanilla. That is great!

  12. We are in the middle of our bathroom and also chose "shiny" fixtures. I was tempted to go with ORB, but the polished chrome is so classic.

  13. Um, I'm stealing that faucet so just don't bother installing it...just send it over here...along w some of those pb cupcakes you ig'd the other day. I will be anxiously awaiting my package ;)

  14. i just played with my cucumber water. i am cucumber drunk..

    anyway, those are some super pretty and shiny fixtures!

  15. Ooooh I really like that light fixture. I often think over-the-mirror fixtures are ugly but that one is quite pretty.

  16. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it all come together. And when you linked to Shades of Light I was expecting a ridic high price tag, but that's almost reasonable! We've got a lot of bathroom lighting to replace, I'll have to keep it in mind.

  17. I love all the shiny! :) I shouldn't have been reading this post while drinking wine...

  18. I would come help with the tile but now I'm drunk. Shiny drunk. It's sort of like punch drunk, except I don't know what I drank.

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  20. I totally played the game with my coffee and now I have the jitters.


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