Friday, October 12, 2012

Diggin’ It- Life Edition

Wowsers.  This week has been busy.  I’m too lazy to pester Nate and Ike for their weekly favorites so we’ll bring that back next.  Today I’ll share with you awesome things happening in our lives.  Most of the photos are from Instagram.  If you don’t Instagram it, it didn’t happen.

I added some fall goodness to the front entry.  I should photograph the whole thing but the darn Boxelder bugs swarm our front door and will not die.


The fall colors in our town are quite stunning this year.  This was taken on our nightly walk.


It’s also harvest time. I love the Midwest.


You want to know another reason why I love the Midwest?  Tenderloins bigger than your head.  Lyndsay had no clue what the following masterpiece was.  I didn’t realize that pork tenderloins were a Midwest only type of thing.  I don’t know how one lives without the pork tenderloin in their life.


Speaking of food (this post has some focus issues), I have a deep love for pumpkin this fall.  I’ve never been a huge pumpkin fan before.  But this fall.  This is the fall that I only shove pumpkin…and tenderloins in my mouth.  Like these pumpkin chocolate chip muffins I made last Sunday.  And yes, I am going to have to up my workout routine.  Doh.


Eating reminds me of the kitchen.  Ike was concerned that we would never be finished tiling the kitchen backsplash.  It was a valid concern.  No worries little buddy, the tile is now up waiting for grout on Sunday!  Lots of kitchen posts coming up soon…ish.  If I can get my blogging act together.


Speaking of Ike, he just wants to say “hi” and he hopes you have a happy week-end!


How are the fall colors in your area?  Have you had a tenderloin? Could you live without them?  (It just seems wrong.)  How about pumpkin?  Who’s pumped to see this backsplash that has taken us four years to install?


  1. Have a wonderful weekend! Loving all the colors this year they are really vibrant!

  2. Yay for foliage! I'm still waiting on that here.. soon!
    PS - I've never seen pork tenderloins that big before!

  3. Is there anything better than pork tenderloin bigger than your face???

  4. tenderloin is the stuff... We slap some hoop cheese on ours. TO DIE FO!

  5. Although I do like tenderloins (one of the few ways I'll eat pork...) I've never see one THAT huge!! I always find it funny that there is food here that not many people outside of the midwest know about (like toasted ravioli or provel cheese... yum!)
    I don't think I chimed in about it, but I love your backsplash and can't wait to see it finished!!

  6. that pork tenderloin has me scratching my head. PT as I know it is more like this- (quick google search, ignore recipe). I have no idea what that huge breaded disc like thing is. That said, I want a bite!

  7. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know what the tenderloin picture was! ;)

  8. Yes! We would always get the tenderloin sandwiches at restaurants when visiting my grandparents in Illinois...brings back great memories. My mom used to buy the breading spice mix there, so we could have it back home...

  9. We've been getting snow so I think our fall colors might be done for the year :(.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am so in love with pumpkin and cinnamon this year! I feel the need to eat it in some form just about every day. But I at least try to balance it out, so after a night where I treat myself to Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate
    I then have a healthy Pumpkin Breakfast Smoothie (made with banana and pure honey) the next day.

    That means they cancel themselves out, right?

  12. I'm at least as pumped about that backsplash as Ike is. He looks pretty concerned.

  13. I love the midwest too. And the pretty colors. Aaaaaand tenderloins!

  14. I have never seen a tenderloin that big either! Jeez!

    The fall foliage looks beautiful where you are! :)

  15. lol, Hi Ike!
    I can't say that I have had a tenderloin bigger than my head; I might have to find a place that serves them!

  16. Ooooh! Backsplash teaser shot looks great! Hurry up and get your blogger act together. I want to see the after shots.


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