Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hi 5 Mitten Knock Off

I have an unhealthy obsession with Kate Spade lately.  It’s bad.  Handbags, wallets, jewelry.  The list goes on.  Unfortunately, I have more of a Miley Cyrus for Wal-Mart budget.

Take these mittens for example.


Super cute, right?  How about $68.00 cute?  About that.

I grabbed some cheap mittens from Target and some fabric paint.  Bam.



They’re a little more Miley than Kate. I’d like to think they are more Miley pre-haircut though.  Party in the U.S.A.


Are you a Kate Spade fan?  Miley?  Is anything safe from me and fabric paint lately?


  1. Those are so cute! I am smitten with Kate right now too. I need her to get some iPhone 5 cases, unless you could DIY some of those too ;

  2. I <3 Kate Spade and I love your knock off (because I don't think I could ever pay $68 for mittens or gloves)!

  3. i am totally a fan!! when i come over to decorate your house can you make me some? and then we can have a beer by the fire and you can teach me to crochet or knit....

  4. I love Kate Spade. I ALMOST convinced the hubs to buy me one of her purses the other day. Almost. Instead, he said the next time he's in China he'll be sure to pick me up a knock-off. Woo.

    BTW, I haven't been able to see any of your photos for a while now. Any idea why that might be happening? :(

  5. Miley Cyrus for Walmart. Heh.

    Hi 5 to you for not spending the $68! These are adorable!

  6. Too cute! I love your version better...I'm a Walmart budget kind of girl! Happy Wednesday!

  7. Party in the USA indeed. I like them. Very cute idea. And I'm also a big fan of the mittens where the top pops off.

  8. Hahaha I can always count on you for a good laugh!! I love your new mittens. You and fabric paint are meant to be together! Now if you could make me a pair and send them my way I would appreciate it. :p

  9. If you get to Chicago this winter, both Nordstrom Racks stores have the Kate Spade gloves, scarves, and earmuffs for 40% off.

  10. Seems like kate spade is giving a lot of inspiration this week. I love the mittens they turned out really cute. Plus at that price when you want new ones next year you won't feel guilty.

  11. I am a HUGE KS fan. I can only shop sales though. Your diy mittens are fantastic and they may not last as long but let's face it, how long will it be before you're bored. Way to not spend $68 on stupid mittens.

  12. Yea for fabric paint! Did we both pull of Kate Spade via fabric paint this week? Yes friend I think we did.

    I totally agree with you on Miley's hair too. It's terrible.

  13. Ha! Miley budget. I think your mittens are cute! I wouldn't spend $68 on mittens unless they also brushed/scraped off my car for me all winter long.

    But now I will be singing "Party in the USA "in an annoying nasal tone all evening. Rick thanks you. ;)

  14. I really can't stand Miley. Like, her voice annoys the crap out of me. And who the heck doesn't know the name of a Jay-Z song? Lame.

    But I do like Kate Spade, and your knock-off mittens.

  15. Haha! These are cute!

    I love me some Party in the USA!

  16. I am a kate spade major fan. Her brightly colored purses and wallets make me swoon...literally swoon. I may or may not have recently sent a pic message to my mom instructing her to buy one for my xmas present ;).

  17. i love this so so much. totally something i would wear...katie on the other hand would die if she wore them. :)

  18. I like both Kate and Miley and I think you mixed them perfectly into Michelle. Great job!

  19. I actually would NOT die if I wore fact...I want some. So there. (and I am dead serious.) Plus I'd always think of you and Miley if I wore them and that would just make me laugh all day.

  20. I would also have to pick Miley pre-haircut.
    Cute mittens =)

  21. Love Kate Spade, but can't afford Kate kudos to you for doing a less expensive DIY version!


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